
We recommend that tutors who apply meet the following:

8+ hours of weekly availability in peak tutoring hours

3pm - 8pm (PST) on a weekday

Available in every week of the school year

Available to tutor with Tutero for at least 18 months

How tutoring with Tutero works

Step 1

Complete a simple online application

  • The application will take about five minutes to complete
  • The top applicants will be invited to complete a video interview
  • If you are accepted to join Tutero, you will receive an invite to your personal tutoring app and the Tutero community channels

Your application will take about five minutes to complete. The top candidates will be invited to complete a video interview. If you are accepted to join Tutero, you will receive an invite to your personal tutoring app and the Tutero community channels

Complete a simple online applicationComplete a simple online application
Step 2

Build your profile and complete training

Build your profile and complete training

  • Create your personal profile using the Tutero software
  • You can select preferences for subjects and grade levels
  • We will also provide several training modules covering teaching techniques and utilzing the Tutero resources

Create a personal profile using the Tutero software. You can select preferences for subjects and year levels. We will also provide several training modules covering teaching techniques and using the Tutero software

Build your profile and complete trainingBuild your profile and complete training
Step 3

We will pair you with students for your chosen subjects

  • You will be matched with students from across the US
  • These students will be paired with you using our TutorMatch software that considers 25+ criteria to maximize compatibility

You will be matched with students from across Australia. These students will be paired with you based on the teaching style and hobbies that you list on your profile

We will pair you with students for your chosen subjectsWe will pair you with students for your chosen subjects
Step 4

Manage your students, schedule and payments from a single dashboard

  • Tutero's tutoring software makes it easy to manage your students and schedule
  • Tutero's team of learning advisors will be able to assist you at all times

Tutero's tutoring software makes it easy to manage your students and schedule. Tutero's team of learning advisors will be able to assist you at all times

Manage your students, schedule and payments from a single dashboardManage your students, schedule and payments from a single dashboard

Why tutors love tutoring with Tutero

Why tutors love tutoring
with Tutero

Join 400+ passionate tutors on the Tutero team.

Help students across the US

You will make a lasting impact on your student’s education


Flexible around your life

You will have control over your schedule. Sessions are completed online so you can work from home.


Our software and team will save you time

We pair you with students, manage payments, customer support and everything else behind the scenes.


Join a supportive community

We provide training, content and questions so that you are fully equipped to deliver effective tutoring lessons.

Hear from our tutors

Emma Hagen
“Tutero empowers its educators”
Working with Tutero has been a true privilege from the start. I love the care that goes into matching every student with a compatible tutor and the generosity of spirit that flows through the entire team. Tutero empowers its educators and is powerful for it.
Emma Hagen
66 lessons with Tutero
Oscar Nyholm
“Tutero’s online platform is great for measuring your student’s progress”
Tutero's online platform is great for measuring your student's progress and identifying where their strengths are. It gives you an easy understanding of the scope of what your lessons should focus on and makes.
Oscar Nyholm
111 lessons with Tutero
Dulani Sooriyaaratchi
“Effective, straightforward and really fun!“
Using the Tutero platform has made teaching and learning effective, straight forward and really fun! It has allowed me to tailor my teaching to each individual and provides me with valuable feedback with how my students are progressing.
Dulani Sooriyaaratchi
195 lessons with Tutero
Migi Daveney
“A user-friendly tutoring platform”
Tutero provides tutors with a user-friendly tutoring platform to organise tutoring sessions and connect with both students andparents. Because the majority of admin work is taken care of for tutors, we can focus our efforts on lesson preparation and execution.
Migi Daveney
101 lessons with Tutero
Emma Hagen
Working with Tutero has been a true privilege from the start. I love the care that goes into matching every student with a compatible tutor and the generosity of spirit that flows through the entire team. Tutero empowers its educators and is powerful for it.
Emma Hagen
lessons with Tutero
Oscar Nyholm
Tutero's online platform is great for measuring your student's progress and identifying where their strengths are. It gives you an easy understanding of the scope of what your lessons should focus on and makes.
Oscar Nyholm
111 lessons with Tutero
Dulani Sooriyaaratchi
Using the Tutero platform has made teaching and learning effective, straight forward and really fun! It has allowed me to tailor my teaching to each individual and provides me with valuable feedback with how my students are progressing.
Dulani Sooryiaaratchi
195 lessons with Tutero

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Please ensure you have read all of this information before applying.
How much will I earn with Tutero?

At Tutero, you will earn between $30 - $45 per hour. Your initial compensation will vary based on your credentials and experience. Overtime, your hourly earnings will increase as you gain experience and are rewarded with badges for top performance.

What experience is required to tutor with Tutero?

We welcome applications from anyone who is passionate about education and has deep knowledge in a particular school subject.

Previous experience as a tutor may enhance your profile in the eyes of prospective students and their parents, however, we are equally welcoming of applicants who are looking to tutor for the first time.

Do I need a background check?

Yes. All Tutero tutors must have a valid employee WWCC/Blue Card.

How long does the recruitment process take?

The process from your initial application, to being live on our platform takes around 2 weeks.

Once you submit your application, it will be reviewed within 3 days. If you are selected to complete a video interview, you will be notified via email, and will have 3 days to complete it.

If you are successful in the interview, you just need to complete your training and build your profile, then you are ready to accept new students!

What is needed to complete the video interview?

To complete the video interview, you will need to download Loom, which will allow you to record and upload your responses. No special equipment is needed!

Tutoring with Tutero
What training will I receive before starting?

Before you can accept new students, you will complete a series of training modules which explain how to use the Tutero platform, our procedures, and tips to be a fantastic tutor. This video outlines what you will learn in the training.

What is the learning platform?

Tutero’s maths platform features powerful diagnostic testing to identify gaps in students knowledge, and generates personalized learning plans so they can learn and master new skills.

Typically, tutors need to manually diagnose gaps in their students knowledge, which is time consuming, and often inaccurate. The Tutero maths platform simplifies this process with adaptive diagnostic tests, so that you know exactly what your student needs to learn.

What resources are provided to me?

As explained in the video below, alongside our maths platform we provide targeted resources for non-maths subject. These resources can be utilized by yourself and your students both inside and outside of lessons.

You don’t need to spend time finding your own learning material; Tutero’s specialized resources have you covered!

How do I manage my tutoring administration?

With the tutor portal, managing administrating is easy. Your portal is the centralised place to manage your students, lessons schedule, and earnings. This video gives a tour of our tutor portal, and explains how it makes your experience with Tutero seamless and enjoyable.

Do I need any special equipment to tutor?

All you need is a laptop or computer, strong internet connection, and preferably headphones. You may also choose to use a digital stylus to help you write explanations. Although this is recommended, it is not a requirement.

What are you waiting for?
Apply to Tutero now!